OnkoCoaching – for whom and for what?

On March 22, at 6:00 p.m., Dr. Monika Łukasiewicz, MD, talked with Aneta Montano OnkoCoach about OnkoCoaching on the Instagam profile of the Foundation for Women.

A few words from Dr. Monika about this conversation below:

“You have the right to behave illogically and not to justify it … said Aneta Montano. Coach and mentor of leaders. And in this opinion she” bought “me. I decided that I really want to talk to her. Aneta is OnkoCoach.

You don’t know what OnkoCoach does? Do you want to change your life in a sometimes illogical way? And apply the barbell theory … please “

OnkoLIVE OnkoCoaching - właściwie dla kogo i po co?